Monday, October 21, 2013

A Long Summer!

I had good intentions of writing on this blog more frequently but I had a rough summer.  My feet were numb until the middle of May and I started my Copaxone shots.  I barely made it to Mass for most of the summer.  In fact, I just started going again about four weeks ago!

I was very upset about missing Mass for so long on so many levels!  I love going and not feeling well enough to go was making me really depressed.  But that's passed and I am back at it! 

We have been going on Saturday night which isn't quite like Sunday morning but it's still Mass.  Sunday morning just has a different feel to me but I will say, I love going to Mass at night when it's dark at five o'clock, so soon, I'll be happier with it.

Bill and I started teaching CCD again.  This year, we have fourth graders, which at first I was nervous about but it turns out, they're a lot easier than second graders!  Plus, we can relax and not worry that they are learning all they need to for First Reconciliation and First Communion!  It's a great group and I had a lot of them in the class I taught, my first year of teaching, two years ago when they were in second grade.  

Bill has started leading a group of seventh graders at youth group, which he is really enjoying.  I'm not great with that age group, so I am not helping out with that!  But he's got a really nice partner and Sunday nights seem fun. 

We also went to the blessing of the animals recently which was really nice.  Our dog, Leo, is a barker, but he behaved, although would not drink the holy water when it was offered to him.  He got sprinkled, though! 

Hopefully, now that I'm feeling better, I'll have more energy and time to write here again!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

In Defense of The Catholic Mass

I am always amazed at people's responses when I say I am Catholic. I've gotten some fairly ugly responses which just surprises me.  I am especially surprised when it comes from other Christians, as I would expect them to realize that is not how Jesus would want them to respond! Many people criticize the Mass but in fact, many of them do not really understand it or have real knowledge of what happens at Mass.

My virtual friend Pam wrote a great article about this! She came up with some great comparisons that I had not thought of!

You can read her article here-

Am happy to report that as of day four of the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena, both my feet are starting to feel more normal.  It is working!

Am debating going to Mass tomorrow as it is actually a Holy Day of Obligation but in my diocese they've moved it to Sunday.  Something about that doesn't quite sit right with me and feel like I should go to Mass anyway!  I'm not sure why they moved it, but am guessing it's like moving US holidays to Mondays so people get a long weekend.  But do not like the idea of moving a Holy Day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Mary, Mary Month of May

Third day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena and believe it or not, the numbness and tingling in my left foot has started to recede!  The toes on my left foot feel normal today!  Is it because of the novena?  Maybe.  It doesn't really matter because praying is good and healing is good!

Someone recently asked me why I chose Catholicism.  But I really don't believe I chose it.  God chose it for me.  I've attended services at many different denominations and it was really nice but I never got that holy, close to Jesus feeling unless I was at Mass.

I wrote about it here-

May is the month to honor Mary and I have been putting a flower on my Mary table every few days.  I also have been listening to music that celebrates Mary.

Here is one of my favorite Marian Hymns-

Still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing and trying to figure out how to get photos up here.  :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sacred Heart of Jesus novena and roses for Mary

I missed Mass this weekend due to MS issues and that always makes me sad.  This is such a frustrating disease but I started praying a novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Last year, I had different MS issues and said this novena and my symptoms receded. 

Here's a link to an article I wrote about the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena.

 sacred heart of jesus photo: Sacred Heart of Jesus sacred_heart_of_jesus.jpg

This morning, my husband, who is on this journey with me, clipped some of our roses and ran them up to the Mary statue at our church.  (We live about three seconds from the church, three minutes on foot.)  There was something so sweet and gentle about him doing that.  I've got a good man!  I thank God for him, every single day. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

How I Got Here

                 Me with the deacon and priest when I was confirmed at the Easter Vigil in 2011
I was baptized at about four or five weeks old, as a Catholic, but my family moved away from Catholicism so I never practiced.  When my son was seven years old, and all his friends were receiving First Holy Communion, he wanted to know why we weren't doing it.  He said, "You said we were Catholic."  So, we started going to Mass every week and I realized that it would be good for me to actually become a "real" Catholic.

I went through RCIA but it took a little longer because the first year, my MS was acting up.  I finally became a "real" Catholic at the Easter Vigil in 2011.

I thought I'd blog about being a "new" Catholic because it has changed my life and I just want to share this experience!  It's been a really great journey!  So I'll share my thoughts on being Catholic and how it works for us!

Here is a link to my favorite litany that I first heard at the Easter Vigil Mass when I was confirmed and first received Communion.  There is something about this that really gets to me.